Frequently Asked Questions

Is it mandatory to set up webhooks?

Webhooks can be really useful to receive notifications in an async way, but they are not mandatory in order to use Open Banking APIs.

I've got the token form the authentication API, but I still can't use Open Banking API

Remember that the token is a bearer one. So the authentication header should look like this Authorization: bearer JWT_TOKEN_HERE

I can't download more than 30 records using the API

A common mistake is to forget that our APIs are paginated, returning 30 records by default.

Even if I passed the connection process I can't read data from my financial accounts

Please verify to have checked the GDPR consent and to have explicitly enabled each account you would like to handle.


I tried to create a new Business Registry, but I get an error telling that the entity already exists

You can't use the same email for different Business Registries.