How it works

A-Cube Transfer is a technology that can manage and transform any file format.

The flow works as follow

  1. The ERP or the accounting software generates a file of any format (CSV, Excel, EDI, XML, JSON, etc…). The generated file contains a set of information useful to build electronic invoices.
  2. These files are uploaded to the chosen channel, which can be SFTP, AS2, Amazon S3 or REST API. The ingestion process will start automatically as soon as new files are received.
  3. The uploaded files will be split into single documents and transformed one by one to XML e-invoices, based on the transformation template agreed with the Customer.
  4. Each input document will be transformed into the required schema.
  5. A-Cube platform validates the document and manages the communication with the right government channel.
  6. The Customer will receive back feedback about the entire process with reports.
Transfer scheme

How it scale

For each uploaded document the Transfer platform engage a new computational unit, making the processes scale horizontally. In example to manage the transformation of a CSV with 500 rows and sending these docs to the government channel it takes approximately from 7 to 10 minutes.