
The Smart Receipt, or the online commercial document, replaces the issuance of a receipt via a telematic cash register. While the telematic cash register remains the optimal solution for retail sales from physical points of sale, a Smart Electronic Receipt fits perfectly in contexts where the sale occurs online.

The main difference between issuing a Smart Electronic Receipt and an e-invoice B2C is that the Smart Electronic Receipt does not require sending the fiscal ID (codice fiscale) of the customer.

A-Cube's Smart Receipt API service is a RESTful API that allows you to issue a Smart Electronic Receipt for a sale. The service interacts directly with Government Tax Portal Fatture e Corrispettivi (cassetto fiscale) acting as a proxy for the user.

Read more about how to onboard a new company on the A-Cube Smart Electronic Receipt here

Sandbox environment

:::Warning The sandbox environment communicates for real with the Tax Authority Portal. :::

The best practice is to send test receipts to the sandbox environment with

  • description starting with DEMO TEST
  • unit_price less than 1.00

Every sent item MUST be voided after the test.

You can void a Smart Receipt through the API with the DELETE /receipts/{id} API. Or you can use the dashboard to void the receipt.