
This service is intended for those who wants to send expense items to the Italian Sistema Tessera Sanitaria (SistemaTS) platform.

You must have credentials to the SistemaTS. Credentials is a set of username, password and pincode.

Find more information about SistemaTS credentials management in the Italian tax authority website here

The credentials must be provided to every SistemaTS API call via HTTP header:

  • X-SistemaTS-PinCode
  • X-SistemaTS-Username
  • X-SistemaTS-Password

For each message sent to SistemaTS there is a protocol number and a sending outcome. This information is available by invoking the reading API calls or through the A-Cube API dashboard.

The Expense API resource represents the expense itself and all operations (insertion, variation, refund, etc.) are related to that resource. Every single request made to A-Cube and therefore to SistemaTS receives a protocol number which is related to the Expense resource itself and can therefore be queried. In fact, for each request it is possible to get the relevant PDF receipt showing the outcome of the operation executed.

You can find more information about SistemaTS in the Italian tax authority website here.


For the sandbox environment, these are some credentials and data useful for test


  • X-SistemaTS-PinCode 3489543096
  • X-SistemaTS-Username MTOMRA66A41G224M
  • X-SistemaTS-Password Salve123
  • partita_iva 65498732105
  • cf_proprietario MTOMRA66A41G224M


  • X-SistemaTS-PinCode 6253539366
  • X-SistemaTS-Username ULK74UFN
  • X-SistemaTS-Password P2PNL5AX
  • cf_proprietario BBTMRZ54L19H501T
  • partita_iva 01201200121
  • codice_regione 070
  • codice_asl 101
  • codice_ssa 88888


  • X-SistemaTS-PinCode 1234567890
  • X-SistemaTS-Username PROVAX00X00X000Y
  • X-SistemaTS-Password Salve123
  • cf_proprietario PROVAX00X00X000Y
  • partita_iva 65498732105