Get an Expense

To get an Expense to send a request as described here.

You must send the HTTP header:

  • Accept: application/json .
  • Accept: application/ld+json .

The endpoint is GET /sistema-ts/expenses/{ExpenseId}.

If everything is fine you will get the details of the Expense.

  "@id": <Expense Id>,
  "@type": Expense,
  "id": <Expense Uuid>,
  "requests": [
      "id": <RequestId>,
      "protocol": <Protocol number>,
      "outcome": <Operation outcome>,
      "operation_type": <Operation type>,
      "date": <Date>,
      "url": <Recipt URL>

      "protocol_id": <Protocol Id>,
      "esito_chiamata": <Operation outcome>,
      "request_type": <Request Type>,
      "responses": [
          "id": <Response Id>,
          "code": <Response Code>,
          "description": <Description>,
          "type": <Operation type>,
          "received_at": <Date>
      "requested_at": <Date>
  "codice_fiscale_proprietario": <Owner Fiscal Code>,
  "codice_fiscale_cittadino": <Citizen Fiscal Code>,
  "created_at": <Date>,
  "updated_at": <Date>,
  "amount": <Amount>

here are the references to the SistemaTS documentation