Receiving a notification for a sent invoice

All the notifications received by SDI will be dispatched to your configured endpoints for the event customer-notification.

The notification

    "notification": {
        "uuid": <Notification UUID>,
        "invoice_uuid": <Invoice UUID>,
        "created_at": <Creation date>,
        "type": <Notification type>,
        "file_name": <File name>,
        "message": <Notification JSON>,
        "downloaded": <Downloaded boolean>, 
        "downloaded_at": <Download date>
    "invoice": <Invoice JSON>

If "downloaded" is true, the "downloaded_at" property exists, else it doesn't exist.

The <Notification type> is a code which identify the event:

  • NS (Notifica di scarto) Received when SDI reject your invoice because it contains errors. The marking property of the related invoice will be set at rejected .
  • MT (File metadati) Received along with the supplier invoice when delivered by SDI.
  • RC (Ricevuta consegna) Received when SDI delivers your invoice. The marking property of the related invoice will be set at delivered in case of B2B invoice or delivered-pa in case of B2G invoice.
  • MC (Mancata consegna) Received when SDI can not deliver the invoice to the recipient. The marking property of the related invoice will be set at not-delivered .
  • EC (Esito committente) Sent to the SDI when a PA decide to accept or reject an invoice (only for PA users).
  • SE (Scarto esito committente) Received when SDI doesn't accept an EC notification because it's not valid (only for PA users).
  • NE (Notifica esito) Received from SDI when a PA decided to accept or reject your invoice. The marking property of the related invoice will be set at accepted-pa in caso of outcome EC01 or rejected-pa in case of outcome EC02 .
  • DT (Notifica decorrenza termini) Received when a PA doesn't reaply with acceptance or rejection within 15 days. The marking property of the related invoice will be set at deadline-terms .
  • AT (Attestazione trasmissione con impossibilità di recapito) Received when SDI can't deliver your invoice to PA after 10 days. The marking property of the related invoice will be set at not-delivered .

If an error happens during the acquisition of a notification, the marking property of the related invoice will be set at notification-error.