Invoices and Billing

Invoices list

When you’re in the Stripe invoices list you can see three tabs opening the A-Cube app from the sidebar.

The first one is the queued invoices list. Invoices in this list still haven’t received a success notification from the Government.

The Not sent list is about invoices that was not sent to the Government. E.g. an invoice to a person because you chose to not send B2C invoices.

Done column is about all the successful invoices sent to the Italian Tax Authority.

You can also filter documents by their status: All, Sent and Require attention.

A-Cube e-invoicing Stripe App invoices list

New invoice

To create a new invoice on Stripe, click on the Create invoice purple button, then select the customer and the products from the list. Confirm the creation, then check the whole document on screen. Once you have the invoice you can open the A-Cube e-invoicing app clicking on the icon in the right border of the screen: invoice details are reported in the sidebar.

From here, you can send the invoice to the Italian tax Authority using the white button Send invoice to Gov Gateway.

Wait and relax, your first invoice has just been sent!

Invoice status

To check invoice delivery use the Refresh white button in the sidebar, at the end of invoice details: if everything is ok and the invoice has been delivered and accepted you’ll see a green confirmation message and two buttons for PDF and XML files download.

A-Cube e-invoicing Stripe App invoices details

Credit note

Maybe you need to issue a credit note for an invoice. Start from the Stripe app and issue the note filling the form with reason and credit amount. Click on the purple button Issue credit note.

Now on the A-Cube app on the right side of the screen, you’ll have the credit note ready: just click on Send button and start communication with the Tax Authority. If everything is ok you’ll see the Government ID number provided in the Credit note details list.

B2C Invoice

Our Stripe app facilitates the smooth generation and sending of B2C (Business-to-Consumer) invoices. B2C invoices are essential for businesses engaging in transactions with individual consumers.

To ensure compliance and proper processing, it's crucial to include the fiscal_code field in the metadata for each customer. Check the documentation for more details on how to include the fiscal_code field in the metadata.
What is a B2C invoice?

B2C invoices refer to invoices issued by businesses to individual consumers for goods or services purchased for personal use rather than for resale or business purposes. They play a significant role in retail and service industries where businesses directly interact with end consumers.

Incoming invoices

Can I receive invoices from my suppliers? Of course yes!

You ask the A-Cube team to enable the feature, and you’ll be able to receive invoices from your suppliers directly in your Stripe account.

Ask us for more information and to enable the feature at