How to manage legal entities

A LegalEntity must be registered within our business registry in order to be a participant into the Peppol Network.

You can create a LegalEntity via API by specifing some basic information:

    "registeredName": "ACME inc."
    "identifierScheme": "iso6523-actorid-upis"
    "identifierValue": "9909:990399123MVA"

Refer to for a complete list of valid identifiers.

You will receive back a UUID that identifies the LegalEntity you created.

You can now enable the LegalEntity record into the SMP and register it into the Peppol Network with PUT /legal-entities/{uuid}/smp You will need to provide information about the document types and processes this LegalEntity can manage:

    "enabled": true,
    "capabilities": [
        "documentTypeScheme": "busdox-docid-qns",
        "documentType": "string",
        "processScheme": "cenbii-procid-ubl",
        "process": "string"

You can get a complete list of documents and processes supported by A-Cube Peppol API with GET /document-types and GET /processes.