Send an invoice
Every invoice has a status
property that describes the current stage of it's life cycle.
A-Cube accepts invoice only if it has been properly validated agains XSD Schema and additional business logic layer. If its not valid - there is an instant information provided with detailed information about the error. Read more about Validation
After successfull validation, Invoice is stored in A-Cube secure space and forwarded to KSeF.
Invoice Status | Description | Approx. Time |
valid |
Invoice has been validated against the XSD schema and uploaded to A-Cube. | Instant |
sent |
Invoice has been sent from to KSeF | few seconds |
delivered |
Invoice has been accepted by KSeF and KSeF Reference Number and Time | up to 5 minutes |
confirmed |
Invoice received UPO | up to 2 hours |
Sample response after delivery to KSeF
"legalEntityUuid": "8b8b8755-5850-4ead-9c68-8243f4ac2748",
"invoiceUuid": "76a670e7-ea2f-49df-984e-81a14cac0c79",
"status": "delivered",
"message": null,
"ksefReferenceNumber": "8431324763-20221010-C2EE39-1AC5D0-06",
"acquisitionTimestamp": "2022-10-10 12:53:32",
"mode": "default"
"ksefReferenceNumber": "8431324763-20221010-C2EE39-1AC5D0-06", - Special Number assigned by KSeF
"acquisitionTimestamp": "2022-10-10 12:53:32" - Acquisition time at KSeF
Sample Invoice upload
POST /invoices
"Naglowek": {
"KodFormularza": {
"__value": "FA",
"kodSystemowy": "FA (2)",
"wersjaSchemy": "1-0E"
"WariantFormularza": "2",
"DataWytworzeniaFa": "2023-02-14T12:46:25+00:00"
"Podmiot1": {
"DaneIdentyfikacyjne": {
"Nazwa": "Sender"
"Adres": {
"KodKraju": "PL",
"AdresL1": "Testowa"
"Telefon": []
"Podmiot2": {
"DaneIdentyfikacyjne": {
"BrakID": "1"
"Adres": {
"KodKraju": "PL",
"AdresL1": "Testowa"
"Telefon": []
"Podmiot3": [],
"Fa": {
"KodWaluty": "PLN",
"P_1": "2022-01-01",
"P_2": "FV\/2023\/02\/14\/12\/46\/23",
"WZ": [],
"P_13_1": 7700.0,
"P_14_1": 2300.0,
"P_15": 10000.0,
"Adnotacje": {
"P_16": "2",
"P_17": "1",
"P_18": "2",
"P_18A": "2",
"Zwolnienie": {
"P_19N": "1"
"NoweSrodkiTransportu": {
"NowySrodekTransportu": [],
"P_22N": "1"
"P_23": "1",
"PMarzy": {
"P_PMarzyN": "1"
"RodzajFaktury": "VAT",
"DaneFaKorygowanej": [],
"DaneFaKorygowanejPozaKSEF": [],
"Podmiot2K": [],
"P_6Z": [],
"P_15Z": [],
"KursWalutyZW": [],
"DodatkowyOpis": [],
"NrFaZaliczkowej": [],
"FaWiersz": []
CURL Example of invoice upload
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $Token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
--data-raw '$XML_CONTENT'
A-Cube platform is horizontally scalable and adjust automatically to the large volume of invoices and send them over to KSeF instantly.