Retrieve the collection of Invoice resources.
Invoice collection
Bad Request
Resource not Found
{- "hydra:member": [
- {
- "@context": "string",
- "@id": "string",
- "@type": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "legalEntityUUID": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "invoiceDate": "string",
- "invoiceNumber": "string",
- "senderName": "string",
- "recipientName": "string",
- "invoiceCreatorNip": "string",
- "invoiceRecipientNip": "string",
- "invoiceType": "VAT",
- "status": "string",
- "error": "string",
- "errorDescription": "string",
- "direction": "sent",
- "acquisition": "string",
- "ksefReferenceNumber": "string",
- "hasUpo": true,
- "attachments": [
- {
- "@context": "string",
- "@id": "string",
- "@type": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "filesize": 0
], - "payload": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": 0,
- "amountNet": 0,
- "amountInCurrency": 0,
- "exchangeRate": 0,
- "hasMultilines": true,
- "dueDate": "string",
- "invoiceVersion": "string",
- "originType": "string",
- "downloaded": true,
- "downloadedAt": "string"
], - "hydra:totalItems": 0,
- "hydra:view": {
- "@id": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "hydra:first": "string",
- "hydra:last": "string",
- "hydra:previous": "string",
- "hydra:next": "string"
}, - "hydra:search": {
- "@type": "string",
- "hydra:template": "string",
- "hydra:variableRepresentation": "string",
- "hydra:mapping": [
- {
- "@type": "string",
- "variable": "string",
- "property": "string",
- "required": true
Setup the downloaded flag for a collection of invoices.
The new Invoice resource
Invoice resource created
Invalid input
Unprocessable entity
{- "uuid": "095be615-a8ad-4c33-8e9c-c7612fbf6c9f",
- "legalEntity": "/entity/1",
- "status": 10,
- "invoiceNumber": "string",
- "invoiceProducedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "invoiceDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "invoiceCreatorNip": "string",
- "invoiceRecipientNip": "string",
- "invoiceRecipientCompanyName": "string",
- "invoiceRecipientCustomerId": "string",
- "invoiceRecipientEmail": "string",
- "referenceNumber": "string",
- "elementReferenceNumber": "string",
- "KSeFReferenceNumber": "string",
- "uploadMode": "single",
- "upo": "/entity/1",
- "acquisition": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "invoiceType": "VAT",
- "ownerId": 0,
- "jsonFilePath": "string",
- "senderName": "string",
- "isDemo": true,
- "originType": "sent",
- "invoiceAttachments": [
- "/entity/1"
], - "accessCode": "string",
- "downloaded": true,
- "downloadedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": "string",
- "amountNet": "string",
- "amountInCurrency": "string",
- "exchangeRate": "string",
- "hasMultilines": true,
- "dueDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lastWebhookStatus": 0,
- "lastWebhookDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "invoiceSchemaType": "V1",
- "invoiceOrigin": 0,
- "invoiceProvider": 0,
- "originGatewayUuid": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "otcCode": "string",
- "otcIsUsed": true,
- "otcExpiredAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "kSeFReferenceNumber": "string",
- "filePath": "string"
{- "@context": "string",
- "@id": "string",
- "@type": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "legalEntityUUID": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "invoiceDate": "string",
- "invoiceNumber": "string",
- "senderName": "string",
- "recipientName": "string",
- "invoiceCreatorNip": "string",
- "invoiceRecipientNip": "string",
- "invoiceType": "VAT",
- "status": "string",
- "error": "string",
- "errorDescription": "string",
- "direction": "sent",
- "acquisition": "string",
- "ksefReferenceNumber": "string",
- "hasUpo": true,
- "attachments": [
- {
- "@context": "string",
- "@id": "string",
- "@type": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "filesize": 0
], - "payload": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": 0,
- "amountNet": 0,
- "amountInCurrency": 0,
- "exchangeRate": 0,
- "hasMultilines": true,
- "dueDate": "string",
- "invoiceVersion": "string",
- "originType": "string",
- "downloaded": true,
- "downloadedAt": "string"
This endpoint allows you to send an invoice v2 (json or XML format based on the Content-Type header) to the KSeF.
The new Invoice resource
object (TNaglowekType) | |
object (Podmiot1AType) | |
object (Podmiot2AType) | |
Array of objects (Podmiot3AType) Gets as podmiot3 | |
object (PodmiotUpowaznionyAType) | |
object (FaAType) | |
object (StopkaAType) |
Invoice resource created
Invalid input
Unprocessable entity
{- "naglowek": {
- "kodFormularza": {
- "kodSystemowy": "string",
- "wersjaSchemy": "string"
}, - "wariantFormularza": "string",
- "dataWytworzeniaFa": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "systemInfo": "string"
}, - "podmiot1": {
- "prefiksPodatnika": "string",
- "nrEORI": "string",
- "daneIdentyfikacyjne": {
- "nIP": "string",
- "nazwa": "string"
}, - "adres": {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
}, - "adresKoresp": {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
}, - "daneKontaktowe": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "telefon": "string"
], - "statusInfoPodatnika": 0
}, - "podmiot2": {
- "nrEORI": "string",
- "daneIdentyfikacyjne": {
- "nIP": "string",
- "kodUE": "string",
- "nrVatUE": "string",
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "nrID": "string",
- "brakID": "string",
- "nazwa": "string"
}, - "adres": {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
}, - "adresKoresp": {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
}, - "daneKontaktowe": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "telefon": "string"
], - "nrKlienta": "string",
- "iDNabywcy": "string"
}, - "podmiot3": [
- {
- "iDNabywcy": "string",
- "nrEORI": "string",
- "daneIdentyfikacyjne": {
- "nIP": "string",
- "iDWew": "string",
- "kodUE": "string",
- "nrVatUE": "string",
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "nrID": "string",
- "brakID": "string",
- "nazwa": "string"
}, - "adres": {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
}, - "adresKoresp": {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
}, - "daneKontaktowe": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "telefon": "string"
], - "rola": 0,
- "rolaInna": "string",
- "opisRoli": "string",
- "udzial": 0,
- "nrKlienta": "string"
], - "podmiotUpowazniony": {
- "nrEORI": "string",
- "daneIdentyfikacyjne": {
- "nIP": "string",
- "nazwa": "string"
}, - "adres": {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
}, - "adresKoresp": {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
}, - "daneKontaktowe": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "telefon": "string"
], - "rolaPU": 0
}, - "fa": {
- "kodWaluty": "string",
- "p1": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "p1M": "string",
- "p2": "string",
- "wZ": [
- "string"
], - "p6": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "okresFa": {
- "p6Od": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "p6Do": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "p131": 0,
- "p141": 0,
- "p141W": 0,
- "p132": 0,
- "p142": 0,
- "p142W": 0,
- "p133": 0,
- "p143": 0,
- "p143W": 0,
- "p134": 0,
- "p144": 0,
- "p144W": 0,
- "p135": 0,
- "p145": 0,
- "p1361": 0,
- "p1362": 0,
- "p1363": 0,
- "p137": 0,
- "p138": 0,
- "p139": 0,
- "p1310": 0,
- "p1311": 0,
- "p15": 0,
- "kursWalutyZ": 0,
- "adnotacje": {
- "p16": "string",
- "p17": "string",
- "p18": "string",
- "p18A": "string",
- "zwolnienie": {
- "p19": "string",
- "p19A": "string",
- "p19B": "string",
- "p19C": "string",
- "p19N": "string"
}, - "noweSrodkiTransportu": {
- "p22": "string",
- "p425": "string",
- "nowySrodekTransportu": [
- {
- "p22A": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "pNrWierszaNST": 0,
- "p22BMK": "string",
- "p22BMD": "string",
- "p22BK": "string",
- "p22BNR": "string",
- "p22BRP": "string",
- "p22B": "string",
- "p22B1": "string",
- "p22B2": "string",
- "p22B3": "string",
- "p22B4": "string",
- "p22BT": "string",
- "p22C": "string",
- "p22C1": "string",
- "p22D": "string",
- "p22D1": "string"
], - "p22N": "string"
}, - "p23": "string",
- "pMarzy": {
- "pPMarzy": "string",
- "pPMarzy2": "string",
- "pPMarzy31": "string",
- "pPMarzy32": "string",
- "pPMarzy33": "string",
- "pPMarzyN": "string"
}, - "rodzajFaktury": "string",
- "przyczynaKorekty": "string",
- "typKorekty": 0,
- "daneFaKorygowanej": [
- {
- "dataWystFaKorygowanej": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "nrFaKorygowanej": "string",
- "nrKSeF": "string",
- "nrKSeFFaKorygowanej": "string",
- "nrKSeFN": "string"
], - "okresFaKorygowanej": "string",
- "nrFaKorygowany": "string",
- "podmiot1K": {
- "prefiksPodatnika": "string",
- "daneIdentyfikacyjne": {
- "nIP": "string",
- "nazwa": "string"
}, - "adres": {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
}, - "podmiot2K": [
- {
- "daneIdentyfikacyjne": {
- "nIP": "string",
- "kodUE": "string",
- "nrVatUE": "string",
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "nrID": "string",
- "brakID": "string",
- "nazwa": "string"
}, - "adres": {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
}, - "iDNabywcy": "string"
], - "p15ZK": 0,
- "kursWalutyZK": 0,
- "zaliczkaCzesciowa": [
- {
- "p6Z": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "p15Z": 0,
- "kursWalutyZW": 0
], - "fP": "string",
- "tP": "string",
- "dodatkowyOpis": [
- {
- "nrWiersza": 0,
- "klucz": "string",
- "wartosc": "string"
], - "fakturaZaliczkowa": [
- {
- "nrKSeFZN": "string",
- "nrFaZaliczkowej": "string",
- "nrKSeFFaZaliczkowej": "string"
], - "zwrotAkcyzy": "string",
- "faWiersz": [
- {
- "nrWierszaFa": 0,
- "uUID": "string",
- "p6A": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "p7": "string",
- "indeks": "string",
- "gTIN": "string",
- "pKWiU": "string",
- "cN": "string",
- "pKOB": "string",
- "p8A": "string",
- "p8B": 0,
- "p9A": 0,
- "p9B": 0,
- "p10": 0,
- "p11": 0,
- "p11A": 0,
- "p11Vat": 0,
- "p12": "string",
- "p12XII": 0,
- "p12Zal15": "string",
- "kwotaAkcyzy": 0,
- "gTU": "string",
- "procedura": "string",
- "kursWaluty": 0,
- "stanPrzed": "string"
], - "rozliczenie": {
- "obciazenia": [
- {
- "kwota": 0,
- "powod": "string"
], - "sumaObciazen": 0,
- "odliczenia": [
- {
- "kwota": 0,
- "powod": "string"
], - "sumaOdliczen": 0,
- "doZaplaty": 0,
- "doRozliczenia": 0
}, - "platnosc": {
- "zaplacono": "string",
- "dataZaplaty": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "znacznikZaplatyCzesciowej": "string",
- "zaplataCzesciowa": [
- {
- "kwotaZaplatyCzesciowej": 0,
- "dataZaplatyCzesciowej": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "terminPlatnosci": [
- {
- "termin": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "terminOpis": "string"
], - "formaPlatnosci": 0,
- "platnoscInna": "string",
- "opisPlatnosci": "string",
- "rachunekBankowy": [
- {
- "nrRB": "string",
- "sWIFT": "string",
- "rachunekWlasnyBanku": 0,
- "nazwaBanku": "string",
- "opisRachunku": "string"
], - "rachunekBankowyFaktora": [
- {
- "nrRB": "string",
- "sWIFT": "string",
- "rachunekWlasnyBanku": 0,
- "nazwaBanku": "string",
- "opisRachunku": "string"
], - "skonto": {
- "warunkiSkonta": "string",
- "wysokoscSkonta": "string"
}, - "warunkiTransakcji": {
- "umowy": [
- {
- "dataUmowy": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "nrUmowy": "string"
], - "zamowienia": [
- {
- "dataZamowienia": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "nrZamowienia": "string"
], - "nrPartiiTowaru": [
- "string"
], - "warunkiDostawy": "string",
- "kursUmowny": 0,
- "walutaUmowna": "string",
- "transport": [
- {
- "rodzajTransportu": 0,
- "transportInny": "string",
- "opisInnegoTransportu": "string",
- "przewoznik": {
- "daneIdentyfikacyjne": {
- "nIP": "string",
- "kodUE": "string",
- "nrVatUE": "string",
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "nrID": "string",
- "brakID": "string",
- "nazwa": "string"
}, - "adresPrzewoznika": {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
}, - "nrZleceniaTransportu": "string",
- "opisLadunku": 0,
- "ladunekInny": "string",
- "opisInnegoLadunku": "string",
- "jednostkaOpakowania": "string",
- "dataGodzRozpTransportu": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "dataGodzZakTransportu": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "wysylkaZ": {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
}, - "wysylkaPrzez": [
- {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
], - "wysylkaDo": {
- "kodKraju": "string",
- "adresL1": "string",
- "adresL2": "string",
- "gLN": "string"
], - "podmiotPosredniczacy": "string"
}, - "zamowienie": {
- "wartoscZamowienia": 0,
- "zamowienieWiersz": [
- {
- "nrWierszaZam": 0,
- "uUIDZ": "string",
- "p7Z": "string",
- "indeksZ": "string",
- "gTINZ": "string",
- "pKWiUZ": "string",
- "cNZ": "string",
- "pKOBZ": "string",
- "p8AZ": "string",
- "p8BZ": 0,
- "p9AZ": 0,
- "p11NettoZ": 0,
- "p11VatZ": 0,
- "p12Z": "string",
- "p12ZXII": 0,
- "p12ZZal15": "string",
- "gTUZ": "string",
- "proceduraZ": "string",
- "kwotaAkcyzyZ": 0,
- "stanPrzedZ": "string"
}, - "stopka": {
- "informacje": [
- {
- "stopkaFaktury": "string"
], - "rejestry": [
- {
- "pelnaNazwa": "string",
- "kRS": "string",
- "rEGON": "string",
- "bDO": "string"
{- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "legalEntityUUID": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "invoiceDate": "string",
- "invoiceNumber": "string",
- "senderName": "string",
- "recipientName": "string",
- "invoiceCreatorNip": "string",
- "invoiceRecipientNip": "string",
- "invoiceType": "VAT",
- "status": "string",
- "error": "string",
- "errorDescription": "string",
- "direction": "sent",
- "acquisition": "string",
- "ksefReferenceNumber": "string",
- "hasUpo": true,
- "attachments": [
- {
- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "filesize": 0
], - "payload": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": 0,
- "amountNet": 0,
- "amountInCurrency": 0,
- "exchangeRate": 0,
- "hasMultilines": true,
- "dueDate": "string",
- "invoiceVersion": "string",
- "originType": "string",
- "downloaded": true,
- "downloadedAt": "string"
GET XML or JSON version of an invoice document.
HTTP Header Content-Type
must be set to application/json
or application/xml
accordingly with the invoice source sent to the API.
The new Invoice resource
Invoice resource created
Invalid input
Unprocessable entity
{- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "legalEntityUUID": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "invoiceDate": "string",
- "invoiceNumber": "string",
- "senderName": "string",
- "recipientName": "string",
- "invoiceCreatorNip": "string",
- "invoiceRecipientNip": "string",
- "invoiceType": "VAT",
- "status": "string",
- "error": "string",
- "errorDescription": "string",
- "direction": "sent",
- "acquisition": "string",
- "ksefReferenceNumber": "string",
- "hasUpo": true,
- "attachments": [
- {
- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "filesize": 0
], - "payload": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": 0,
- "amountNet": 0,
- "amountInCurrency": 0,
- "exchangeRate": 0,
- "hasMultilines": true,
- "dueDate": "string",
- "invoiceVersion": "string",
- "originType": "string",
- "downloaded": true,
- "downloadedAt": "string"
This endpoint allows to validate the invoice V2.
The new Invoice resource
Validation response
Invalid input
Unprocessable entity
{- "Naglowek": {
- "KodFormularza": {
- "kodSystemowy": "FA (2)",
- "wersjaSchemy": "1-0E"
}, - "WariantFormularza": "string",
- "DataWytworzeniaFa": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "SystemInfo": "string"
}, - "Podmiot1": {
- "PrefiksPodatnika": "string",
- "NrEORI": "string",
- "DaneIdentyfikacyjne": {
- "NIP": "string",
- "Nazwa": "string"
}, - "Adres": {
- "KodKraju": "string",
- "AdresL1": "string",
- "AdresL2": "string",
- "GLN": "string"
}, - "AdresKoresp": {
- "KodKraju": "string",
- "AdresL1": "string",
- "AdresL2": "string",
- "GLN": "string"
}, - "DaneKontaktowe": [
- {
- "Email": "string",
- "Telefon": "string"
], - "StatusInfoPodatnika": 0
}, - "Podmiot2": {
- "NrEORI": "string",
- "DaneIdentyfikacyjne": {
- "NIP": "string",
- "KodUE": "string",
- "NrVatUE": "string",
- "KodKraju": "string",
- "NrID": "string",
- "BrakID": "string",
- "Nazwa": "string"
}, - "Adres": {
- "KodKraju": "string",
- "AdresL1": "string",
- "AdresL2": "string",
- "GLN": "string"
}, - "AdresKoresp": {
- "KodKraju": "string",
- "AdresL1": "string",
- "AdresL2": "string",
- "GLN": "string"
}, - "DaneKontaktowe": [
- {
- "Email": "string",
- "Telefon": "string"
], - "NrKlienta": "string",
- "IDNabywcy": "string"
}, - "Podmiot3": [
- {
- "IDNabywcy": "string",
- "NrEORI": "string",
- "DaneIdentyfikacyjne": {
- "NIP": "string",
- "IDWew": "string",
- "KodUE": "string",
- "NrVatUE": "string",
- "KodKraju": "string",
- "NrID": "string",
- "BrakID": "string",
- "Nazwa": "string"
}, - "Adres": {
- "KodKraju": "string",
- "AdresL1": "string",
- "AdresL2": "string",
- "GLN": "string"
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- "P6Do": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
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- "P141W": 0,
- "P132": 0,
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- "P134": 0,
- "P144": 0,
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- "P19N": "string"
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- "P22B4": "string",
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- "PPMarzy32": "string",
- "PPMarzy33": "string",
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- {
- "Kwota": 0,
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- "DataZaplaty": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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- "ZaplataCzesciowa": [
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- "KwotaZaplatyCzesciowej": 0,
- "DataZaplatyCzesciowej": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
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- "Termin": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "TerminOpis": "string"
], - "FormaPlatnosci": 0,
- "PlatnoscInna": "string",
- "OpisPlatnosci": "string",
- "RachunekBankowy": [
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- "NrRB": "string",
- "SWIFT": "string",
- "RachunekWlasnyBanku": 0,
- "NazwaBanku": "string",
- "OpisRachunku": "string"
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- "WysokoscSkonta": "string"
}, - "WarunkiTransakcji": {
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- {
- "DataUmowy": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "NrUmowy": "string"
], - "Zamowienia": [
- {
- "DataZamowienia": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "NrZamowienia": "string"
], - "NrPartiiTowaru": [
- "string"
], - "WarunkiDostawy": "string",
- "KursUmowny": 0,
- "WalutaUmowna": "string",
- "Transport": [
- {
- "RodzajTransportu": 0,
- "TransportInny": "string",
- "OpisInnegoTransportu": "string",
- "Przewoznik": {
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- "NrVatUE": "string",
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- "OpisLadunku": 0,
- "LadunekInny": "string",
- "OpisInnegoLadunku": "string",
- "JednostkaOpakowania": "string",
- "DataGodzRozpTransportu": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "DataGodzZakTransportu": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "WysylkaZ": {
- "KodKraju": "string",
- "AdresL1": "string",
- "AdresL2": "string",
- "GLN": "string"
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- {
- "KodKraju": "string",
- "AdresL1": "string",
- "AdresL2": "string",
- "GLN": "string"
], - "WysylkaDo": {
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- "AdresL1": "string",
- "AdresL2": "string",
- "GLN": "string"
], - "PodmiotPosredniczacy": "string"
}, - "Zamowienie": {
- "WartoscZamowienia": 0,
- "ZamowienieWiersz": [
- {
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- "GTINZ": "string",
- "PKWiUZ": "string",
- "CNZ": "string",
- "PKOBZ": "string",
- "P8AZ": "string",
- "P8BZ": 0,
- "P9AZ": 0,
- "P11NettoZ": 0,
- "P11VatZ": 0,
- "P12Z": "string",
- "P12ZXII": 0,
- "P12ZZal15": "string",
- "GTUZ": "string",
- "ProceduraZ": "string",
- "KwotaAkcyzyZ": 0,
- "StanPrzedZ": "string"
}, - "Stopka": {
- "Informacje": [
- {
- "StopkaFaktury": "string"
], - "Rejestry": [
- {
- "PelnaNazwa": "string",
- "KRS": "string",
- "REGON": "string",
- "BDO": "string"
{- "isValid": true,
- "errors": [
- "string"
You can get an invoice in many different formats just specifying a different Accept header:
Invoice resource
Resource not found
{- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "legalEntityUUID": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "invoiceDate": "string",
- "invoiceNumber": "string",
- "senderName": "string",
- "recipientName": "string",
- "invoiceCreatorNip": "string",
- "invoiceRecipientNip": "string",
- "invoiceType": "VAT",
- "status": "string",
- "error": "string",
- "errorDescription": "string",
- "direction": "sent",
- "acquisition": "string",
- "ksefReferenceNumber": "string",
- "hasUpo": true,
- "attachments": [
- {
- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "filesize": 0
], - "payload": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": 0,
- "amountNet": 0,
- "amountInCurrency": 0,
- "exchangeRate": 0,
- "hasMultilines": true,
- "dueDate": "string",
- "invoiceVersion": "string",
- "originType": "string",
- "downloaded": true,
- "downloadedAt": "string"
Activate access code.
Invoice resource created
Invalid input
Resource not found
Unprocessable entity
{- "@context": "string",
- "@id": "string",
- "@type": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "legalEntityUUID": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "invoiceDate": "string",
- "invoiceNumber": "string",
- "senderName": "string",
- "recipientName": "string",
- "invoiceCreatorNip": "string",
- "invoiceRecipientNip": "string",
- "invoiceType": "VAT",
- "status": "string",
- "error": "string",
- "errorDescription": "string",
- "direction": "sent",
- "acquisition": "string",
- "ksefReferenceNumber": "string",
- "hasUpo": true,
- "attachments": [
- {
- "@context": "string",
- "@id": "string",
- "@type": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "filesize": 0
], - "payload": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": 0,
- "amountNet": 0,
- "amountInCurrency": 0,
- "exchangeRate": 0,
- "hasMultilines": true,
- "dueDate": "string",
- "invoiceVersion": "string",
- "originType": "string",
- "downloaded": true,
- "downloadedAt": "string"
Retrieve a Invoice resource.
Invoice resource
Resource not found
{- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "legalEntityUUID": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "invoiceDate": "string",
- "invoiceNumber": "string",
- "senderName": "string",
- "recipientName": "string",
- "invoiceCreatorNip": "string",
- "invoiceRecipientNip": "string",
- "invoiceType": "VAT",
- "status": "string",
- "error": "string",
- "errorDescription": "string",
- "direction": "sent",
- "acquisition": "string",
- "ksefReferenceNumber": "string",
- "hasUpo": true,
- "attachments": [
- {
- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "filesize": 0
], - "payload": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": 0,
- "amountNet": 0,
- "amountInCurrency": 0,
- "exchangeRate": 0,
- "hasMultilines": true,
- "dueDate": "string",
- "invoiceVersion": "string",
- "originType": "string",
- "downloaded": true,
- "downloadedAt": "string"
Send access code to recipient email.
Invoice OTC Code request
Invalid input
Resource not found
Unprocessable entity
{- "otcCode": "string",
- "otcLifetime": 0
Get invoice status.
Invoice resource
Resource not found
{- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "legalEntityUUID": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "invoiceDate": "string",
- "invoiceNumber": "string",
- "senderName": "string",
- "recipientName": "string",
- "invoiceCreatorNip": "string",
- "invoiceRecipientNip": "string",
- "invoiceType": "VAT",
- "status": "string",
- "error": "string",
- "errorDescription": "string",
- "direction": "sent",
- "acquisition": "string",
- "ksefReferenceNumber": "string",
- "hasUpo": true,
- "attachments": [
- {
- "uuid": "string",
- "filename": "string",
- "filesize": 0
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- "currency": "string",
- "amount": 0,
- "amountNet": 0,
- "amountInCurrency": 0,
- "exchangeRate": 0,
- "hasMultilines": true,
- "dueDate": "string",
- "invoiceVersion": "string",
- "originType": "string",
- "downloaded": true,
- "downloadedAt": "string"