Retrieve the collection of AuthorizationFlow resources.
AuthorizationFlow collection
Bad Request
Resource not Found
{- "hydra:member": [
- {
- "@id": "string",
- "@type": "string",
- "@context": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "legalEntityUUID": "string",
- "legalEntityName": "string",
- "legalEntityNip": "string",
- "createdAt": "string"
], - "hydra:totalItems": 0,
- "hydra:view": {
- "@id": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "hydra:first": "string",
- "hydra:last": "string",
- "hydra:previous": "string",
- "hydra:next": "string"
}, - "hydra:search": {
- "@type": "string",
- "hydra:template": "string",
- "hydra:variableRepresentation": "string",
- "hydra:mapping": [
- {
- "@type": "string",
- "variable": "string",
- "property": "string",
- "required": true
Retrieve a AuthorizationFlow resource.
AuthorizationFlow resource
Resource not found
{- "@id": "string",
- "@type": "string",
- "@context": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "legalEntityUUID": "string",
- "legalEntityName": "string",
- "legalEntityNip": "string",
- "createdAt": "string"
Create a KSeFToken resource.
KSeFToken resource created
Invalid input
Unprocessable entity
- "autoSelect": false
{- "uuid": "0000x0x0-00x0-0000-xx00-0x0x0xx0000",
- "isActive": true,
- "isSelected": true
Remove the KSeFToken resource.
AuthorizationFlow resource deleted
Bad Request
Resource not Found
{- "uuid": "0000x0x0-00x0-0000-xx00-0x0x0xx0000"
Select a KSeFToken resource.
KSeFToken resource activated
Invalid input
Unprocessable entity
{- "uuid": "0000x0x0-00x0-0000-xx00-0x0x0xx0000"
{- "uuid": "0000x0x0-00x0-0000-xx00-0x0x0xx0000",
- "isActive": true,
- "isSelected": true
Create a session init resource.
Session init resource created
Invalid input
Unprocessable entity
{- "uuid": "0000x0x0-00x0-0000-xx00-0x0x0xx0000x",
- "referenceNumber": "20000101-XX-XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX-XX",
- "sessionStatus": "ACTIVE",
- "createdAt": "2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"
Activates account for the Legal Entity and create authorization token.
AuthorizationFlow resource created
Invalid input
Unprocessable entity
{- "ksefAuthorizationToken": "string",
- "generateReferenceNumber": "string",
- "generateElementReferenceNumber": "string",
- "grantElementReferenceNumber": "string",
- "message": "string"
As an operator, you can trigger flow to GET your customer onboard and authorize their account. You will receive special URL that should be provided to the customer for futher steps.
AuthorizationFlow resource created
Invalid input
Unprocessable entity
{ }
{- "authFlowUuid": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "message": "string"
This will start onboarding procedure for your customer
AuthorizationFlow resource created
Invalid input
Unprocessable entity
{ }
{- "authFlowUuid": "string",
- "time": "string",
- "message": "string"
Onboarding have parameters to use for full onboard flow.
AuthorizationFlow collection
Bad Request
Resource not Found
[- {
- "authFlowUUID": "string",
- "authFlowStatus": 0,
- "authFlowIsValid": true,
- "authFlowUrl": "string",
- "authFlowDeadline": "string",
- "authFlowCreatedAt": "string",
- "authFlowUpdatedAt": "string",
- "nip": "string",
- "customer": {
- "customerName": "string",
- "addressLine": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "nip": 0